A Mason Electrical Sheffield
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Electrical Testing

Electrical Installation Condition Reports

A Mason Electrical - Sheffield Electricians

Every property should have its electrical installation tested periodically as every electrical installation deteriorates with use and age. It is important to be sure that the safety of users is not put at risk, and that the installation continues to be in a safe and serviceable condition. Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) or Periodic Inspection Report (PIR) will reveal if electrical circuits are being overloaded, find potential hazards within the electrical installation, identify defective DIY work, highlight any lack of earthing or bonding and continue to test the fixed wiring of the installation. This includes checking fuse or circuit breaker ratings and testing the RCD's to make sure they trip under fault conditions. The outcome from the Inspection Report will establish the overall condition of all the electrics and tell you whether it is satisfactory for continued use and will detail any work that might need to be done. This will be graded upon importance

These procedures test an electrical installation in a building from the main incoming power all the way to the final circuits that could include lighting, power and appliances, a schedule of circuits will also be provided, which is invaluable for a property

If you are considering buying a property then it would be wise to invest in an Electrical Installation Condition Report before making your final decision.

We are committed to providing an unbiased report of the condition of any installation we work on. We will recommend any remedial works that are required and will happily carry these out after discussion and consulation with the client.

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